+ Brand positioning 
+ Audience personas
+ Core messaging pillars 
+ Website Copy 
+ Communications strategy

Project I See You | Brand story & messaging

This client is a longstanding, successful nonprofit that works to connect women from all socioeconomic backgrounds. They were in need of a cohesive brand narrative and consistent messaging. See excerpts below:

what i did

The Problem

Despite advancements in technology, we are living in an increasingly isolated world. Women are often starved of meaningful support structures and connections with other women – leading to more anxiety, depression, and self-doubt than ever before. This, coupled with centuries of oppression and disempowerment, has fractured the female identity and reduced womanhood to a two-dimensional image of pre-defined perfection. 

The Cure

A holistic approach to womanhood where your journey is ever-unfolding alongside other women. Where sisters can hold space for you, guide you, and commune with you as we all ripen along our path of self-discovery. Where body, mind, and spirit are equally nourished and cared for. Where we live in witness of one other – seeing and being seen. Allowing things to unfold 

Audience Personas

The Self-help Spiritualist: She is seeking transformation but keep finding herself stalling out. Surrounded by self-help books and podcasts, she “knows” the right answers, but everything just fails to penetrate her innermost systems of belief. She needs a breakthrough... PROBLEM= Missing experience element/ the discomfort necessary to facilitate lasting growth. Too full of theory, overly analytical, stuck in the mind, slightly narcissistic/preoccupied with her own experience and struggle. Attracted to the idea of the divine feminine. 

The “Good” Wife/Mother/Christian: She has been consumed by duty and archetypal identities for the majority of her life. She has bought into the story of what a “good” woman is, but after years of staying true to course, she feels hollow. She knows something is missing and is either dipping her toes into concepts outside her typical margins or is just looking for another outlet to serve. She is middle-aged and is familiar with “helping” communities in need, tithing, and missionary work, but is less familiar with concepts around personal poverty, reciprocal dignity, or the divine feminine. 

The Skeptic: She is in a rebellious phase of her empowerment, with a slightly combative and critical disposition. She is perhaps a participant in “woke” culture OR a direct rejector of it. She is grappling a lot with shame, defensiveness, a better than/less than mentality, and vulnerability. She is attracted to some of the language around equality and patriarchy, but highly reactive to terminology around God or religion. 

The Survivor: She is experiencing the disempowered role… potentially defensive… victimized… Lack of trust… marginalized (typical “receivers” ie. homeless and developing world women)


To grow a women-powered movement that radically transforms communities by breaking down hierarchies and building authentic relationships centered in shared vulnerabilities and mutual healing. 


+ To be truly seen is to be transformed forever
+ Transformed Women, Transform the world
+ Discomfort is the beginning of radical transformation
+ We are women transformed. 
+ Facilitating inner healing and outward connection.
+ Creating inner healing, outer belonging and collective transformation.


+ We believe that poverty is not just a socio-economic state, but rather a shared state of being that all of us experience at one time or another. Whether it be relational, spiritual, financial or mental, shared poverty acknowledges our mutual need and abundance.
+ We believe giving and receiving are infinitely looped; when you see another for their worth, you are able to experience yours more fully. 
+ We believe in the Power of Reciprocal Dignity
+ We believe that the dignity of another is irrefutable, it arrives in the act of birth and is with someone until they die. 
+ We believe that there is an inherent inequality in the giver-receiver relationship which leads to the solidification of disempowerment 

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Hey there

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.